Laboratory Contact
Grupo LP&MC


In the Laboraty of Polymers & Composite Materials (LP&MC) we develop new technologies to solve environmental, social and industrial problems. The laboratory is part of the Physics Department in the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (DF-FCEN-UBA) and the Institute of Physics of Buenos Aires (IFIBA), apart from colaborate in a Center of Plastic Compostability and Biodegradation.


Dra. Silvia Goyanes leads the Laboratory of Polymers and Composite Materials since year 1999. Her vast experience in the developement of nanomaterials, along with a strong inclination to technology transfer from the university to the industry, can be reflected in her numerous international patents and more than 100 scientific publications. She has won the L'Oréal-UNESCO award for women in science in two occations, directed many PhD and post-doc thesis and participated in CONICET evaluating comitees. She is a professor in the Physics Department at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and her research topics include the development of biodegradable starch based films, the treatment of contaminated water with arsenic and BTEX, and the selective oil removal in spills, among others.

External consultants

Dr. Angel Marzocca
Dr. Ángel Marzocca is an associated professor in the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and works in the tires company Fate. He has vast experience in elastomers polymers and a long professional career.
Dr. Gerardo Rubiolo
Dr. Gerardo Rubiolo is an associated professor in the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and he currently works at the National Comitee of Atomic Energy (CNEA).

Departamento de Física
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires

2023 - Webmaster: Nicolás Torasso